Johor Ethnobotany Database
Thottea grandiflora Rottboell
Taxonomic classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Piperales
Family: Aristolochiaceae
Genus: Thottea
Species: Thottea grandiflora Rottboell
Growth Form: It is an erect shrub up to 2 m tall. Its branches are round and covered with fine hair.
Foliage: Its alternate, stalked leaves have leathery leaf blades that are drop-shaped, elliptic or lance-shaped, 15–45 by 9–25 cm, often hairy above, and always hairy below.
Flowers: Its flowering clusters are 1–7 cm long and usually found at the lower part of the stem. Its funnel-shaped perianth is deep red wine-coloured with purple blotches.
Fruits: Its fruits are slender capsules up to 15 cm long, and either straight or twisted. They are 4-angled and covered with hair. Its seeds are ellipsoid, 3-angled, with wrinkled surface.
Common name: Telinga kelawar, Bunga semubut, Geroboh
Local name (Jakun): Akar hempedu beruang
Family: Aristolochiaceae
It grows in lowland and hill forests up to 600 m in altitude.
Ethnobotanical uses
Medicinal uses:
Root - Asthma and cough