Johor Ethnobotany Database
Polyalthia bullata King
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Magnoliales
Family: Annonaceae
Genus: Polyalthia
Species: Polyalthia bullata King
Taxonomic classification
Growth Form: shrub, up to 3 m tall. Its young twigs are covered with golden hairs.
Foliage: leaves are lance-shaped or oblong-lance-shaped with a size of 28-37 cm x 3-12 cm, deeply cordate and auricle at base. The leaves are papery or thinly leathery and bullate. The petiole is 3-5 mm long and stout.
Flower: solitary or 2-3 together opposite the leaves and linear petals, which are about 2.5 cm long.
Fruit: spherical, about 1 cm in diametre while the stalk is about 0.5 cm long and 2-seeded.
Common name: Tongkat Ali Hitam
Local name (Jakun): Akar penawar hitam
Local name (Temuan): Tongkat Ali hitam
Family: Annonaceae
Lowland forest
Ethnobotanical uses
Medicinal uses:
Root - for men's dysfunction, aches and pains
Root - inner energy