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Johor Ethnobotany Database
Growth Form: Small trees or shrubs, 3 - 10 m tall when mature.
Foliage: Leaves opposite and glossy, blades membraneous, elliptic to elliptic-ovate and glabrous, petioles stout, stipules connate or distinct.
Flowers: Flowers perfect, about 75 - 90 in ovoid to globose heads.
Fruits: Fruits are yellowish-white, fleshy, soft and fetid when ripe.
Morinda citrifolia L.

Leaves of Noni Fruit

Fruits Of Noni Fruit

Flowers of Noni Fruit

Leaves of Noni Fruit
Taxonomic classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Rubiales
Family: Rubiaceae
Genus: Morinda
Species: Morinda citrifolia L.
Common name: Mengkudu
Family: Rubiaceae
Terrestrial (Secondary Rainforest; Monsoon Forest; Coastal Forest), Shoreline
Small tree or shrub
Ethnobotanical uses
Medicinal uses:
Leaves - to treat coughs nausea, colic and enlarged spleen.
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