Johor Ethnobotany Database
Epipremnum giganteum (Roxb.) Schott.
Common name: Greater Epipremnum
Local name (Temuan): Akar resdung
Local name (Jakun): Akar anggerik dahan, akar pisang dahan, akar ulu-ulu
Family: Araceae

Taxonomic classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Alismatales
Family: Araceae
Genus: Epipremnum
Species: Epipremnum giganteum (Roxb.) Schott.
Growth Form: An epiphytic root climber. It uses its roots to climb up its support and can grow up to 20 m in height.
Foliage: The alternately-arranged, stalked leaves are simple and are elliptical-lanceolate in shape with a cordate base and an undulating yellow leaf margin, 30-91 cm long and 15-23 cm wide.
Leaves are leathery.
Stems: Its stem is thick and can reach 10 to 35 mm in diameter and is covered with prominent leaf scars along its length.
Flowers: The flowers are borne on a spadix. Both the spathe and spadix can grow up to 25 cm in length. The spathe is green on the outer surface and is yellow in the inner surface. The light brown seeds are lightly curved.
Fruits: The fruit is a berry that is light green and turns red when mature.
Terrestrial (Primary Rainforest; Mountain; Secondary Rainforest; Freshwater Swamp Forest)
Climber, Vine & Liana, Epiphyte
Ethnobotanical uses
Medicinal uses:
Root - for sinus, stroke and health tonic
Root - For sinus