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Dianella ensifolia (L.) DC.

Common name: Setanggi, Umbrella Dracaena

Local name (Jakun): Kesiak

Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae

Taxonomic classification

Kingdom: Plantae

   Phylum: Tracheophyta

      Class: Liliopsida

         Order: Asparagales

            Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae

               Genus: Dianella

                  Species: Dianella ensifolia (L.) DC.


Growth Form: It is a herb that consists of creeping, much-branched rhizome (horizontal stem growing at ground level) from which arise at regular intervals, roots and up to 2 m-tall clumping, flowering stems.

Foliage: Its flowering stem bears two rows ofalternate, stalkless leaves. The leaves have leathery leaf blades that are sword-shaped, tapered at both ends, and 25–100 by 0.4–3.0 cm, with sheaths at their bases.

Flowers: Its flowering shoot is up to about 61 cm long, and extended from the tip of its stem. It bears flowers up to 0.6 cm wide, with white or bluish-white petals and sepals, and bright yellow-orange anthers.

Fruits: Its ripe fruits are round, shiny, deep blue berries, up to 1.5 cm wide, and contain 3–6 seeds. Its seeds are ovoid, 3–5 mm long, shiny, and black.


Low altitude evergreen rainforest, often beside rivers, in a deep shade of forest floor, usually forming dense stands.  Forests and grassy slopes from near sea level to elevations of 1,700 meters in southern China


Perennial herb

Ethnobotanical uses

Medicinal uses:

Roots - for women's health and to immediate post-partum period

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